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tv   American Morning  CNN  July 18, 2011 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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opening weekend ever. $168.6 million in the united states. $476 million worldwide. "transformers: dark side of the moon" came in with $21.3 million. the comedy "horrible bosses" came in third with a respectable $17.6 million. that's it for me and "wakeup call." "american morning" starts right now. a top news corp executive arrested. london's top cop also quit. both casualties of a hacking scandal. casey anthony getting out of jail and out of dodge. she was whisked away after her first taste of freedom, whereabouts unknown on this "american morning." welcome, 6:00 a.m. in new
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york. glad you're with outside this monday. it's july 18th. a lot going on. nice to see you as well. >> nice to see you. christine's still off, i guess. two more casualties in the uk hacking scandal leaving rupert murdock's empire reeling this morning. rebekah brooks arrested. reported friday she had resi resigned. she's been released on bail. it's not clear if she'll testify tomorrow. last night in a shock move that has left scotland yard for accepting almost $20,000 in hospitality from a private
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health clinic after he had yound yund gone surgery. that health clinic was represented by a p.r. firm owned by former editor of "the news of the world." this picture is building up. this cozy relationship between the police and senior executives at news of the world. that made his position very difficult. he decided to step down last night. insisting all the while he had done nothing wrong. >> the issue of my integrity, let me set clear that i the -- the people that know me know my integrity is completely intact. i may wish we had done something differently but i will not lose sleep over my personal integrity. >> reporter: the problem was, though, this kind of web of connections just seems to be
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getting ever greater as more information comes to light between the police and people at the newspaper, rupert murdoch's newspaper, and number 10 downing street. the prime minister, david cameron, hired a former news of the world editor andy colton. that story still rumbling along in britain with more sort of suggestions that cameron is under pressure today. he is out country. this story not going away. >> dan rivers, we will keep checking with you. seems there are developments in this story every few hours. >> thanks, dan. there has been a major shake-up in the egyptian government. it is not clear whether it is enough to quiet opposition protesters. egypt's prime minister appointing 14 new cabinet ministers to his cabinet while keeping 13 others in place. they will be sworn into office today. former egyptian president hosni mubarak reportedly slipped into a coma yesterday. the hospital's spokesman tells cnn he has since regained
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consciousness. hours ago general david petraeus performed his last act as commander of nato forces in afghanistan. he handed off authority to the new komd ander john allen. petraeus is retiring from the army at the end of the month. he will be taking over as director of the cia in september. >> that's right. the government not able to pay its bills is looming large they are morning. the clock ticks towards the deadline. 16 days now and counting. the president and congressional lead remember pecked to meet again this week. last week wasn't all that successful. at the same time, the senate will begin debating a scaled-back fallback plan. both sides say they are optimistic they will strike a deal. >> i'm confident cooler heads will prevail. at tend we will not allow the united states to default on its debt despite the fact some people think that would be okay. >> if the president keeps insisting on raising taxes on american workers, there's not going to be a deal. i do think, however, that
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republican leaders will not allow the country to go into default. >> president obama insists both parties must agree on a deal by friday in order for it to get passed by the august 2nd deadline. raises to our question of the day would not raising the debt ceiling teach america a good lesson about spending. there are some that say who are arguing well, this will show us. and there are others that say this is not sort of a time for this because of the devastating potential consequences. between want to know what you think. send us an e-mail, tweet. let us know on face book and we will be reading some of your comments later in the show. the fbi is investigating an armed home invasion at the farmhouse of iowa congressman leonard boswell. the intruder reported boswell's home saturday night and point ad gun at his daughter demanding money. we are told 77-year-old boswell pictured here struggled with the gunman before his grandson grabbed the shotgun and pointed it at the intruder. he fled and no one was hurt. police are calling the break-in a random act. to casey anthony's newfound
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freedom after three years behind bars and 12 days after being cleared in her daughter's murder, casey anthony walked out of the orange county jail in florida sunday. this morning, though, her whereabouts are unknown and there are many asking where casey goes from here. cnn's david mattingly is live in orlando. obviously a ton of interest in where she is, where she plans to be. what are her representatives saying at this point? >> her departure from jail took all of 30 seconds. she walked out of the jail right out the front door. got in a an suv with her attorney and sped off into the night. police are were there to make sure no one followed. helicopters followed the car to a parking deck that belonged to the office building where one of her attorneys has an office. that was the last anyone saw of her in the orlando area. we heard from the attorney who represents her parents. it turns out that casey anthony's attorney, jose baez, actually approached them with the idea of using her parents to
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help establish a decoy as she was trying to leave the jail. but they turned down that idea after it was all over, they got a text message from jose baez to say that casey anthony was safe and say that brought them a great deal of relief but did not tell them where she is. they do, however, believe she's no longer in central florida. when she left the jail, you saw the big crowds there. there were people yelling "killer" in that crowd as she got into the suv and left. there is a great deal of emotion still unresolved around this case. we saw a lot of people getting together who were doing something peaceful with those emotions over the weekend. they went to the site where caylee anthony's body was discovered and held a march from that site to the anthony home. all to remember the child whose death started all of this. it was a very solemn occasion.
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a lot of people walking in the street. at one point it was reported there were cars lined up on the road about a half mile long of people just parking on the roadside going into those woods where her body was discovered to go to that spot and remember that little girl. again, a great deal of emotion. people trying to process all of this on their own. but casey anthony at the moment is still staying out of the public eye even though she has a lot of legal entanglements she will still have to address in the months and probably in a next year as these keep coming up. >> will she change her appearance, relocate, as if she was part after witness protection program? there are some former marshals that are recommending that for her own safety. is she going to attempt to earn money? if so, that would require public appearances and telling her side of the story. >> it is wide reply believed she will have to tell her story some day. and that story is going to be worth a lot of money to
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somebody, whoever she chooses. it has been advised to her that she find a way where she can control her message and not leave herself vulnerable to so many questions that are out there bunt again, there's -- at the moment, all she's doing is staying out of the public eye, perhaps looking at a cooling off period before she makes her next move. >> david mattingly for us. thanks so much. two court hearings today forbfor berlusconi. he is accused for paying for sex with a 17-year-old girl. the judge threw out all defense motions in that case and ordered berlusconi to attend a hearing in october. some scary moments for the members of classic rock band cheap trick when the -- went on stage and at the ottawa blue fest. the stage collapsed while they were performing. it happened last night during a severe thunderstorm. the group manassasager says everyone was shaken up but the band and crew were not injured. thousands of fans attended the
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music festival and amazingly one person was injured in all of that with the collapse of the severe weather. nail biter until the end the u.s. versus japan, world cup women's final. >> depressing to watch. the summit women, dominated in the beginning. and we were all saying remember -- never beat the u.s. in a women's soccer match. well, that ended yesterday. by the time they were tied, it kate came down to penalty kicks and stunning rally. japan defeated the u.s. taking home their first ever world cup title. >> fans gathered around to watch in the game despite the upset americans were inspired by japan's win. it was a soothing victory for nation still reeling from that january devastating earthquake and tsunami. >> president obama and his family watched the game at the white house. secretary of state hillary clinton called the u.s. team before the match telling the women that america is proud of what they have accomplished. congrats. it was a tough game to lose but had a great season.
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some are calling eight reverse grouping. i-didn't know it was bound to happen. something very odd happened at the airport. female air traveler turned the tables on a tsa agent in phoenix. that got her arrested. >> apparently she got very frustrated. she had been charged. carmageddon is over. what happened, we will tell you coming up. >> a brutal heat wave baking the u.s.
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the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. u.s.a.a. we know what it means to serve. what carmageddon? after all that hype the closing of the 401 freeway did not cause the end of the car-driving world. california drivers were scared of what the shutdown of one of the busiest freeways in the
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world would do to traffic. they thought there would be a traffic apocalypse. ten-mile segment of the 405, which as you know if you have ever been on it, is always crowded, was closed this weekend. so work coarse make way for a new car pool lane. the project wrapped up quickly without almost no excitement. the 405 reopened zblerl a lot of people had contingency plans. they talked about it so much in los angeles, in california, that workers were allowed to do -- telecommute. >> a lot of people decided not to go. the thing is a lot of people were saying why don't they have alternate routes? it is a mountain pass. there aren't a lot of those options. there's a reason why it is as busy as it is. >> how did the flights work out? they were doing $4 flights. take you over top of the 405 and that's it. 61-year-old mihami of colorado has been arrested and charged with groping a female tsa agent in phoenix last week after showing her frustration
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with getting pulled out for the additional patdowns. she allegedly grabbed the agent's breast was both hands and twisted. fellow air travelers didn't seem to be fazed by all of this. >> reporter: surprise you somebody did that to the tsa? >> i don't know. nothing really surprises me, i guess. >> i'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. >> she is charged with sexual assault. there's a facebook page defending her. one follower suggesting they name an airport after her. >> wow. the worst heat wave in years is in 40 states now, sizzling temperatures and extreme humidity. >> scorching summer heat is dangerous. it caused hundreds of health emergencies and does not look like it is letting up. ted rowlands joins us live from los angeles where they are dealing with their fair share of heat. >> reporter: hey. yeah, it is going to be a tough week ahead in several cities around the midwest. chicago and here in minneapolis.
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temperatures not only uncomfortable but also potentially dangerous. >> water, water, water! >> reporter: with the heat index over 100 degrees, fans at sunday's minnesota twins game did what they could to keep cool. >> brutal. probably lost 10 pounds today. it is crazy. >> reporter: several fans ended up needing medical attention. this man was suffering from severe dehydration. across the country, it has been a brutal summer with dangerous heat wave sizzling in as many as 40 states. in oklahoma, 27 days have been over first base 00. heat is blamed for this water main break and for this section of buckled free way that sent a motorcyclist to the hospital. it was so hot last week in norman, oklahoma, that this guy says that he fried an egg on his dashboard. in texas, a lack of rain is forcing farmers to sell their cows because the grass to feed them won't grow. this woman in houston summed it
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up in a cnn i-report. >> we are sweltering and asking for relief here. huston is hot as blazes. stay put and stay cool. >> reporter: or as experts say take it easy. >> it develops heat and generate the heat and get rid of that heat. unfortunately when it is hot outside, it is harder to do that. so you can overheat. that leads to heat exhaustion and sometimes heat stroke. >> reporter: several cities have cooling centers open this week. chicago one of them, here in minneapolis, heat index is expected to top 110 degrees today. they will have a double-header, they having cooling stations around the ballpark. yesterday the lines were as long as you can imagine here. it will be another hot one today. it is going to be hot most of the week. >> all right. thanks so much. rob marciano is in the extreme weather center with more on how long it is going to last and how
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many states this heat wave will hit. hey, rob. >> 11 states right now under excessive heat warnings. 16 by my count that have advisories and watches that are out. these go from north texas all the way up to the border of canada. going into canada, just as warm as some of these states, this el see record breaking stuff. how long is this heat wave going the last? it will feel like it will be up and over 100 degrees in minneapolis today again. and tomorrow could possibly feel like heat index of over 110. into wednesday. maybe by thursday, we start to see things moderate. just a little farther down to the south. long-term event. a spot that's not used to seeing this sort of heat continuously. all right. satellite tropical storm brett. developed yesterday afternoon. it is about 150 miles or so east of west palm beach. and it is drifting here east about three miles an hour. winds at 50 miles per hour. the forecast track keeps it away
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from the u.s. and keeps it just below hurricane strength out to sea. not necessarily the best because the southeast, including florida, really could use the rain. so typically tropical storm, moderate to weak tropical storm. we will bring in a decent amount of rain. those are the kind we like. like to have that one closer to home. meanwhile, humidity continues to pop up across the central and eastern part of the country. this threat not making much progress in the south. close enough to the northeast to bring in thunderstorms and that will cause travel delays today. new york city metro this afternoon especially chicago will see thunderstorms, detroit and cleveland and boston as well because of the front that will eventually push off to the east. not before temperatures get up to about 92 degrees, new york city. 95 degrees in d.c. 97 in minneapolis. that number doesn't include humidity and measured in the shade. sizzle through the mid and latter part of july. >> rob, we will check in with you in a little bit. i have a solution to all this heat. cool technology coming out of
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japan that looks like silly string. spray foam. check this out. he sprays it on his arm. all right. the foam is ice cold. it hardens on your skin. you can mold it into a wristband or a neckband. it keeps you call. sad part it only stays cool for five minutes. >> that's not different than having a cooling pack, ice pack. >> but you can't put an ice pack around your wrist like that. >> i have one in -- >> have you like a carry-around -- >> i actually do. >> this one is -- >> i'm serious. look at this. >> wow. look at that. >> look. you wrap it around. any area. >> around my watch. >> yeah. >> keep your watch cool. see. >> that's very cool. >> you don't know how much stuff is in that bag you put this in your freezer? >> yeah. nice, huh? it is really for your knee. >> 92 degrees outside. that would be good on my head.
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i like that. >> still to come, a powerful typhoon is racing towards japan. raising some serious questions about the nuclear facility. it hasn't recovered yet from the last natural disaster. we are going to talk about how they are trying to prepare for this one. >> hottest thing in hollywood. mean co marine corps balls. we will tell you how justin timberlake got hooked up. how does it do that? well, to get there, a lot of complicated engineering goes into every one. like variable valve timing and turbocharging, active front grille shutters that close at high speeds, and friction reducing -- oh, man, that is complicated. how about this -- cruze eco offers 42 miles per gallon. cool? ♪ you know, the ones find a who do a super job?
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25 minutes after the hour. minding your business this morning. stocks trading lower ahead of the opening bell. stocks made modest gains friday but ended the week lower overall as uncertainty remains high over
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the nation's debt ceiling talks. the clock is ticking on law makers to make an agreement to raise the nation's debt ceiling. 16 days left before the treasury department says it will not be able to pay all its bills pushing the u.s. closer to default. some of the world's largest companies will report second-quarter earnings including general motors, mcdonald's. halliburton, wind resorts and hasbro earlier in the day. news corporation stock down to about $16 a share at the close on friday. n the u.s. the stock dropped more than 7% this month. two-year low. right now the stock is trading lower on world markets as the uk phone hacking scandal continues to spread over the weekend. president obama expected to nominate richard cordray. they will try to block the nomination for anyone saying the new agency lacks transparency
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account a and accountability. the bank is sending out alerts about an irs investigation. cnn's calls to hsbc have not been returned. volkswagen on pace for a record year. it sold 4 million cars worldwide the first half of the year. au hey, the new guy is loaded with protein! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have?
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all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too, and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. ensure! nutrition in charge! [ male announcer ] if you're looking for a pickup truck, check out the miles per gallon. the length of the power train warranty. and the horsepower. only ram delivers this kind of muscle. that'll thin out the herd real quick.
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guts. glory. ram. t the motorola expert from sprint. its powerful tools help you work faster and smarter so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it lets you access business forms on the go, fire off e-mails with the qwerty keypad, and work securely around the world so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it's the android-powered phone that mixes business with pleasure. so let's get our work done, america, so we can all get back to playing "angry birds." the motorola expert from sprint. trouble hearing on the phone? visit
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30 minutes past the hour. present becca brooks is out on bail. she was arrested over the weekend with a conning phone hacking scandal. london's top cop, stephenson, also resigned yesterday. the a hearing will be held at the house of commons tomorrow. general david petraeus
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handing off command of u.s. and nato forces in afghanistan this morning. lieutenant general john allen now takes the reigns. he is retiring the end of next month to become director of the cia in september. 16 days until the u.s. government cannot cover all of its bills. the president and congressional leaders are expected to meet again this week with no significant progress on any major deal. lawmakers working on a number of alternative approach tows raising the debt limit. both sides are trying -- were trying to make a deal to raise the debt ceiling by the treasury 'as you 2 deadline. brianna keilar live at the white house. good morning. anything get done over the weekend n. >> there weren't any public meetings between the principal negotiators, the president, and house speaker john boehner. but there was a lot going on behind the scenes. we were told from the speaker's office that the lines of communication were open and we know that top aides were in discussions and especially work that was done over the week has to do with a fallback plan.
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one, the senate democrats and republicans, harry reid and mitch mcconnell are working on a plan based on something put out last week by mitch mcconnell. it would allow the president essentially practically speaking to increase the debt ceiling himself without a majority of support from congress that would allow him to do this in increments over the next year and a half. without it allow congress to go on record as disapproving of that increase in the debt ceiling. some of the details being worked out there. republicans want to have some votes for things they are demanding, things like a balanced budget amendment and spending cuts, future spending, were likely -- we are likely to see that this week. none of those are expected to pass. none of those votes on republican demands but really would allow them to go on the record saying that they oppose what democrats and the white house want to do and also i should tell you a fallback option could include trillions of dollars in savings, possibly
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$1.5 trillion in savings. not tetly set yet but it is not really the big plan for sure president obama has been pushing. >> you talked about the plan the senate is trying to formulate. what about a contingency plan if nobody has a plan? the administration decided who sees their government benefits or their payments affected if we get to august 3 without a deal? >> the president's budget director was asked this very question over the weekend. and he wouldn't go there. he basically stepped away from it and said you know, that's not even something we should be talking about. have you both sides here, democrats and republicans, saying that they are confident that the debt ceiling is going to be increased to avoid economic calamity and they are not even trying stoned that message of exactly who would be losing out although as you know, the president did warn, as he was really trying to make a point of how serious this could be. that perhaps social security checks could be affected.
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in terms of concretely, who would see their benefits affected first, would it be social security recipients, those on disability, veterans, the white house isn't going there. >> this will be a lot of work going on there and you will be following it. we will be following it with you. brianna keilar at the white house. >> in japan, workers are scrambling to build a roof-like structure over reactor number three. right now a powerful typhoon is churning towards the area. expected to make landfall tomorrow south of the crippled plant. officials are trying to prevent rain from entering holes in one of the buildings. one of 5,000 people fled the area where a volcano in central indonesia erupted for the fourth time in less an week. officials are worried that the towering plume of volcanic ash could affect flights at nearby airports. new this morning, concerns about the health of venezuelan president chavez who returned for more cancer treatments. he will begin chemotherapy as part of an aggressive treatment
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plan. it is not revealed what kind of cancer he has. in a tweet he says he is fighting for his life. >> nelson man dael turns 93 years old today. he was surrounded by family. people around the world have been asked to mark today's occasion by devoting 67 minutes of their time to work in their community. that's one minute for every year of mandela's public service. bring ourselves to do that in honor of nelson mandela. >> absolutely. paint the schools in your neighborhood, get tested for hiv. it is interesting some of the ideas. >> they are largely simple things with big impact. >> exactly. done collectively to make a big difference. the old potter movie magic. this is not much of a shock. >> these numbers, they are big. >> "harry pot i dwts last time fans get to see him. you never know. it broke all kinds of box office
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records. $169 million. that's in the u.s. alone. beating a previous opening weekend record of "the dark night." the finale set records for opening and for midnight shows. >> biggest take for presales of tickets and numbers overseas were bigger than these. i think we will see more of this. this is a story we have been following closely for you. remember last week when justin timberlake received a youtube invitation to the marine corps ball. this is after kunis got hers. >> i'm going to ask you to come to the marine corps ball with me november 12 in washington, d.c. >> he's accepted. while promoting his new film, timberlake said he's looking forward to it. >> i don't get asked out ever. so i was very flattered by that. i hear that she's like trained
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in martial arts so -- i'm hoping we can tussle. at some point. that last part was a joke. >> the whole thing started when scott moore, this guy here, post ad youtube video inviting kunis to the north carolina marine corps ball with a push from justin, she agreed to the date. >> one of the marines asked out betty white as well. we will see if it is a new trend in hollywood. >> you were a real big doubter last week. >> i think it is great. if you say you are going to do it do it. that's all. >> you don't think they will go to the balls? >> i do now. a dallas man gets a deal after lifetime. most of the homes on the block go for $300,000. one man snagged his house for $16. we will tell you how he got so lucky. people on the edge of their
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bar stools across the u.s. and riveting world cup final. women's world cup final. the u.s. coming up with one thrill short, however. zain verjee was there to witness it. she will join us live after this.
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a dallas man subpoena living on easy street. robinson move flood this $330,000 home for just 16 bucks. he did it thanks to a little known texas law. here is how it works. the house was in foreclosure more than a year. the owner moved out. the mortgage company went out of business. robinson just brought his stuff in and submitted a $16 form under a, quote, adverse possession law. that gives him the right to own it since he has been living there. his neighbors are not happy. >> he wants the house, buy the house like everyone else had to. get the money and buy the house. >> robinson says he's no squatter. he has to live in the house for three years and once the three years are up he gets a deed. >> why would the previous owners that put money down and paid -- made payments for it --
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>> foreclosed on it. >> if the bank then went out of business could they have used that law for themselves? >> i have never heard of this law. it seems very weird. if this is a law it sounds like law that needs to be changed. >> or other people -- >> somebody needs to -- previous owners, the bank. very strange. we are number two. >> yea. it is a good two. >> they played really well. just that they lost. the u.s. suffered a stunning loss to japan. women's world cup final yesterday. >> soothing victory, though, inform are a nation that's still healing from the tsunami and earthquake. zain verjee joins us live from frankfurt, germany, where she had a front row seat to all the world cup action. very, very close for the usa. >> reporter: it was so close, guys. they almost had it. and then it just slipped away. . japanese came back in stunning form in the last few minutes of extra time that led to the penalty shoot-out and the u.s. lost that crucial final.
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at t atmosphere in the stadium was absolutely electric. i have never been in a match like that. on the edge of the seat. i had no nails left. biting them throughout the match. the u.s. kept possession for most of the match. they came out of the gate really hard. they have so many opportunities to score. they missed. crucially pinpoint where they made the biggest mistake, on the defense line, many people are saying that the first ball was kind of a gift to japan where the defender actually cost pit. it was scored from the corner. tu they capitalized on and it knocked it back in. that was a real blow to the u.s. >> zain, you talked about having no nails left.
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i see an "s." what else is on that shirt? >> reporter: you know what? people were torn. they were rooting for japan because japan were the sentimental favorites but wanted the u.s. to win. so many people did. then haven't won since 1999. so if you want me to flash you, again -- >> yes, we do. >> reporter: this is what the rest of my t-shirt says. >> speaking about flashing and taking t-shirts off and things like that this reminds kiran of the 1999 u.s. victory when -- >> brandi chastain upon winning ripped off her shirt, flung it on the air, and had on a sports b bra. >> how did the game compare to the 1991 win? >> reporter: you know, it is so tough for this team because it has been -- 1999 has been a blessing and a curse. you know, so many of the team members are an icon to this
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team. it has been a source of frustration for many of them because they are constantly being compared. what they wanted with this game was to get out from under the shadow of 1999 and redefine themselves because all of these years, it has been the game could be more magical than 1999 in l.a. what team could be better, the near joy, they just really wanted to say, you know what, we are a new generation. it was really important to this team but they didn't pull it off. >> lot of class. if any other country had to win it, i'm glad it was japan because of everything that nation has been through as well. they are an extraordinary team. >> i want to ask you, hillary clinton, i know, she called this team before the game. she had some bet going on about this game? >> reporter: yes, she did. she did. she and the japanese foreign minister had a wager and the deal was either new york appriy
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apples for japan's pears. >> zain verjee for us this morning. thanks so much. still ahead, cut, cap and balance. the buzz words when it comes to the debate over raising the debt ceiling. what could it mean for and you your money? >> a 10-year-old boy makes his parents proud bill saving his little brother's life. we will tell you how he did it. a remarkable story. to save some moneyooking on our car insurance. great! at progressive, you can compare rates side by side, so you get the same coverage, often for less. wow! that is huge! [ disco playing ] and this is to remind you that you could save hundreds! yeah, that'll certainly stick with me. we'll take it. go, big money! i mean, go. it's your break, honey. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today. t the motorola expert from sprint.
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its powerful tools help you work faster and smarter so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it lets you access business forms on the go, fire off e-mails with the qwerty keypad, and work securely around the world so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it's the android-powered phone that mixes business with pleasure. so let's get our work done, america, so we can all get back to playing "angry birds." the motorola expert from sprint. trouble hearing on the phone? visit
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48 minutes past the hour. here is a look at your headlines this morning. rupert murdoch's former top newspaper executive is out on bail this morning. she was arrested over the weekend in the uk phone hacking scandal. london's police commissioner has also resigned. general david petraeus is coming home. he will head up a cia this fall after handing off command of the u.s. and nato forces in afghanistan to lieutenant general john allen. congressman leonard boswell is okay after an armed invasion of his iowa farmhouse. the 77-year-old boswell reportedly struggled with the gunman before his grandson grabbed a shotgun, pointed it at the intruder, who then fled. concert chaos in canada. the stage at the ottawa blues fest giving way last night during a severe storm sending people running for their lives. it happened while cheap trick was performing. no one in the band was injured. a 61-year-old colorado woman is facing sexual abuse charges
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for allegedly groping a female tsa agent in a phoenix airport. 61-year-old woman refused to be screened and grabbed the agent's breasts with both hands and twisted. playing for a battered country, japan beating u.s. in a thrilling women's world cup final, it came down to penalty kicks and it is japan's ever, first ever, world cup title. caught up on the day's headlines. "americ
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when it comes to the debt ceiling debate it is called cut, cap and balance. >> is the conservative plan just
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political jargon or an actual way to cut the nation's spending? here's our chief political correspondent candy crowley. >> reporter: buzz word alert -- >> cup, cap, balance gets us out of debt over a long period of time. >> reporter: cut a substantial amount much spend thing to bring down the roughly $1.5 trillion deficit expected this year. cap federal spending at 18% of gross domestic product is at 24% of gdp now. pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution that includes spending caps and makes it difficult to raise federal taxes. cut, cap and balance. ccb is all the rage in? republican quarters. >> the answer for the country is for the president to agree to cut federal spending, cap federal spending, and put in place a balanced budget amendment. >> the house will be in order. >> reporter: this week the republican controlled house will likely pass a cut, cap and balance bill as a prereck kwis
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kwis it to raising the debt ceiling. there are objections from democrats on the bill and in the white house. >> what these amendments do is not just say you have to balance the budget but spending limitations that would force us to cut social security and medicare more deeply than even the house budget resolution. >> reporter: what the house will almost surely approve the senate almost surely will not. leaving the debt ceiling issue precisely where it has been for months, unresolved. if can you not get the senate to pass what the house surely will this week you will allow the u.s. to go into default or go to plan b? >> i'm going to focus on plan a. that to me is the only plan that will work. it is the real deal, not a big deal. >> reporter: the most probable deal still in the works would cut spending by $1.5 trillion over ten years and let the president raise the debt ceiling through the 2012 election. congress could stop him bunt only in the unlikely event of a veto-proof majority vote in both houses.
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everybody gets off the sxhook avoids economic kay possible at the end of the day republican leaders made it clear we will not be the ones who put the government into default. >> reporter: it is uncertain whether rank and file will follow their leaders. the idea comes from senate gop leader mcconnell who has been trashed by conservatives ever since. >> we are in big trouble. let's have that national debate. >> reporter: sources say the last-ditch mcconnell plan could be on the senate floor this week. a republican source believes that before the mcconnell bill the senate will take up cut, cap and balance because even if ccb doesn't pass, it has endless possibilities as a funding sticker. >> brings us to our question of the day. would not raising the debt ceiling, like some say we should not do, teach america a good lesson about spending? >> we had quite a bit of response from you on our blog, facebook, twitter. >> david flanagan writing no, the american public should not be penalized by those that we
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elect to entrust to make solid choices to do the job they were elected to do. in may opinion, the only thing we can be blamed for is voting for the wrong individuals. >> on facebook, allen says not raising the debt ceiling would be too high a price to pay for irresponsible spending. reduced spending and tax reform could raise hopes that america can properly address its debt problem. >> jack on facebook writes it will or should teach americans politics is more important than what is good for the nation again. the republicans are still hoping for obama's waterloo. smart americans will see through the nonsense on twitter not raising the debt ceiling would show that the lesson on spending had been learned. mixed views on that. keep your comments coming. we will read more of your thoughts later in the show. we promised you this before the break. a 10-year-old new hampshire boy that's a hero after rescuing his little brother and saving his life. >> 6-year-old clayton was choking on a marble.
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his lips were turning blue with. with their mom in the shower and dad at work, his brother performed the heimlich maneuver. something he said he had seen done on television. >> i'm like, okay, i have seen this before. i have never done it. i'm not sure if it will work but let's try this. i didn't want my brother to die because i would be really sad. my family would also be sad. my life wouldn't be the same without him. >> wow. >> it worked. >> incredible dylan's father and three uncles are fire fighters and says that helping is in their blood. >> that's incredible. good for you, kid. >> up ahead next hour, where is casey anthony? she walked out of jail sunday a free woman and disappeared. we are live in florida with a look at what could be her in ex-move. next move. i do believe it's part of a locust.
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forced to resign. good morning. thanks so much for being with us. monday, july 18. welcome to "american morning." >> christine soft today. >> yes. >> on vacation for one more week. we are following the latest on the hack scandal. also on a change of command, general david petraeus performed his final official act as commander of nato forces in afghanistan. earlier he handed off his authority to the new commander, lieutenant john john allen. petraeus is retiring from the army at the end of next month to take over the cia in september. >> right after labor day. threat of the government not being able to pay its bills is looming larger this morning. clock ticking towards the ted line. 16 days and counting. the president and congressional leaders are expected to meet. the senate will begin debating a scaled-back fallback plan. both sides say they are optimistic they strike a deal.
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>> i'm confident that cooler heads will prevail and in tend we will not allow the united states to default on its debts despite there are some people that seem to think that could be okay. >> if the president keeps insisting on raising taxes on american people workers, there's not going to be a deal. i do think, however, that republican leaders will not allow the country to go into default. >> president obama insisting both parties must agree on a deal by friday in order for it to get passed by the august 2nd deadline. >> casey anthony getting her first taste of freedom in more than three years after she was acquitted of murdering her daughter caylee. she walked out of the orange county jail yesterday with her attorney seen there, jose baez, quickly driven away by her defense team to an unknown place. cnn's david mattingly is following the trial. he's also following where casey an s now. he's live in orlando. the defense team not talking about that. they did let her family know she is okay. they are just not saying where
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she is. >> reporter: that's right. that came in the form after text message to casey anthony's parents saying she was safe. that gave them some comfort. speaking through their attorney they say they do not believe she is any longer in central florida. but beyond that, the public whereabouts of casey anthony are sometime under wraps. she has been free now just a little over 24 hours. people still trying to cycle through all of the intense emotions from this case. first of all, just a few minutes after midnight she walked out of the jail. there were hundreds of people out there. many of them shouting at her, calling her a murderer. her suv sped off into the night. the police had to block traffic to make sure that nobody followed. there were police there on horseback to keep the crowd back as well. so people there, this all lasted about 30 seconds. shortly after that time, most everyone dispersed and went home. a little later in the day on
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sunday, though, we saw a lot more people going out to the site where little caylee anthony's body was discovered. this was near the anthony home here in orlando. what we saw, there was probably about -- cars a half mile long parked on the roadside as people were coming in. going to that site to the memorial that's popped up there on the location where her body was discovered. there was also a march yesterday, very peaceful march. people walking from that site to the anthony home in the neighborhood nearby. very peaceful. again, so many intense emotions around this case. not going away. people trying to work through those in the last 24 hours. and so -- soon we will see casey anthony probably coming public again to deal with all of the legal entanglements she still has, a civil cases that are still out there. at this point this is a time for healing. people trying to deal with the emotions that they have about this very intensely watched
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case. >> thanks so much. david mattingly for thus morning with the latest. thanks. >> the fbi is investigating an armed home invasion at the farmhouse of iowa congressman leonard boswell. the intruder entered boswell's home saturday night and point ad gun at his daughter demanding money. we are told the 77-year-old boswell struggled with the gunman before hinsdale grandson grabbed the shotgun and pointed it at the intruder. he fled and no one was hurt. police are calling the break-in a random act. there has been a major shake-up in the egyptian government but not clear if it will be enough to satisfy protesters that want change. 14 new ministers were appointed to the cabinet. keeping 14 others in place. they will be sworn into office today. former egyptian president hosni mubarak reportedly slip flood a coma yesterday. the hospital's spokesman tells cnn he has since regained consciousness. two court hearings today for silvio berlusconi. he is expected to attend one where he is facing corruption charges. the other accused of paying for
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sex with a 17-year-old girl. a judge threw out all of the defense motions in that case. and orderedb eedordered berlusc court october 3. london's top cop, latest casualty in the uk hacking scandal. rebecca brooks was arrested over the weekend and has been released on bail. british lawmakers say they expect her to testify tomorrow at a house of commons hearing and now london's police commissioner has been caught in the fallout as well. let's get the latest from dan rivers live from london. explain to us why she was arrested and -- what she is charged with if we know. why this top cop resigned. >> reporter: she has been arrested as part of this ongoing inquiry into phone hacking that's looking like just getting ever bigger and bigger. she was once an editor of the news of the world and chief executive of the parent company news international and the suggestion is although she
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denied it, but she in some ways knew about this illegal activities at the news of the word or even worse, perhaps even commissioned them herself. she always said she knew nothing about it. this initially -- she -- paper claimed it was just the activities of one rogue reporter. now we know it was bigger than that. and that's why she has been taken in for questioning. she has not been charged yet, though. that's important to stress. she was questioned for about 12 hours yesterday and released in the early hours of the morning here in london. she's not been formally indicted or charged here. then the -- even more sensational development was that the top policeman in the country, paul stephenson, resigned yesterday as well. just shortly after rebecca brooks was taken in for questioning. incredible development. this all stems because of various revelations about the cozy relationship that existed between the police and former news of the world staff and
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deputy editor near wallace in particular. now, he had a pr contract to represent the police. it was then revealed that paul stephenson accepted hospitality worth almost $20,000 at a hotel after an illness that he was recovering from and who represented that hotel health resort none other than the very same neil wallace. they are not saying the two are connected but it does build a pretty kind of murky picture of a very symbiotic relationship. paul stephenson gave a conference as he resigned saying he had done nothing wrong. >> however the issue of my integrity is different. let me state clearly i and the people on who know me know my integrity is completely intact. i may wish we had done some things differently but i will not lose any sleep over my personal integrity.
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>> reporter: so he's insisting he has done nothing wrong. his integrity is intact. it was a question of the image that was coming across to the general public here one in which, you know, former news of the world journalists were working for the police and then accepting in turn hospitality from a company that those same people were representing. all the while they are supposed to be investigating "the news of the world" for illegal activities. it is not how they should be doing things in an ideal world. >> scary moments for performers and spectators in ottawa. the blues fest in canada. the stage collapsed during a severe storm with 55-mile-an-hour winds. cheap trick was on stage at the time. the manager says everyone was shaken up. the band and crew weren't injured. amazingly just one person in the crowd was injured by this. people on the edge of their bar stools across u.s. and japan. a riveting women's cup final. u.s. dominated the beginning of
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the match but by the end the teams were tied. then it came down to penalty kicks. the u.s. was flaw flst their penalty kicking against brazil. a stunning rally, japan defeated the u.s. taking home the first ever world cup title. the u.s. fans gathered around the world to watch yesterday's game and despite the upset some americans say they were inspired by japan's win. a victory for a nation still reeling from the devastating earthquake and tsunami. ahead you can see this one coming. female air traveler arrested and charged with groping a tsa agent. >> brutal heat wave baking the midwest. east is next. 40 states expected to swelter. rob marciano has the latest for us the day after tomorrow in hollywood. did l.a. survive carmageddon? we will tell you after the break. where do you go to find a business
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backed by the superguarantee®? only& suonline.s®. on your phone. or in the book. go to superpages®. and let the good guys save the day.
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so a lot of people are very worried about what's happening with the closing of the 405 freeway in southern california because of construction work
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they were doing. turns out it didn't cause the end of the word. california drivers, many of them, were scared and many of them made alternate plans. this is one of the busiest freeways in the world. it was shut down. there were a lot of people concerned about hours being backed up because of a ten-mile segment of the 405 closed over the weekend. workers could make way for a new car pool lane. so the project actually wrapped up ahead of schedule. the 405 reopened early. because a lot of people made alternate plans they were allowed to work from home and was not carmageddon. a newly created facebook page, 61-year-old yukari mihamae of colorado has been arrested and charged with groping a female tsa agent in phoenix last week after refusing to be screened. she allegedly grabbed the agent's breast was both hands and twisted. mihamae is charged with sexual abuse. one suggested an airport should be named after her.
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they may not like what the tsa does but i can guarantee you that agent didn't start the policy. i just don't think we should be -- not nice to the agents. >> this woman -- you know, act, whatever -- whatever she did out of frustration, she is clearly paying for it. now she has a legal battle ahead of her. the worst heat wave in years is rolling across the u.s. this year. 40 states gripped by sizzling temperatures at some point over the week and extreme humidity. >> scorching summer heat is dangerous. it is causing hundreds of health emergencies and doesn't look like it is letting up. ted rowlands is live from minneapolis. what's it looking like out there, ted? >> reporter: not too bad right now but it is expected to get brutal later today here and in other cities around the midwest, chicago, st. louis, all facing heat advisories. temperatures are going to be not only uncomfortable but also possibly dangerous. with the heat index over 100 degrees, fans at sunday's
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minnesota twins game did whatever they could to keep cool. >> brutal. like probably lost ten pounds today. it is crazy. >> reporter: several fans ended up needing medical attention. this man was suffering from severe dehydration. across the country it has been a brutal summer with this dangerous heat wave sizzling in as many as 40 states. in oklahoma, 27 days have been over 100. let is blamed for this water main break and for this section of buckled freeway that's sent a motorcyclist to the hospital. it was so hot last week in norman, oklahoma, this guy says he fwrid ried an egg on his dashboard. in texas a lack of rain is forcing farmers to sell their cows because the grass to feed them won't grow. this woman in houston summed it up in a cnn i-report. >> we are sweltering and we are just asking for some relief here! houston is hot as blazes. stay put and stay cool. >> reporter: or as experts say,
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take it easy. >> when the body is active it develops heat and generates that heat and get rid of that heat. unfortunately when it is hot outside, it is harder to do that. so you can overheat. that leads to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. >> reporter: many cities around the midwest opened cooling centers including chicago where cooling centers will be open today and through the entire week. the twins are playing a double-header here in minneapolis. there are a lot of watering stations at targ ed field that will be set up for fans. one fan told me that he would rather take the heat than 30 below. i guess one extreme or the other here in minnesota. >> that's a unique issue with minneapolis. >> nice to sometime just be in the middle. >> 70 would be great. ted, thanks so much. what's the situation across country sf different parts of the country, different states, have been feeling this over the course of the last week or so and over the course of the next week at different times.
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rob marciano is in the extreme weather center. paints a picture with a lot of red and purple. >> yes. you know the dreaded pink. that's when it gets really bad. we had this blob or dome of really hot air that's just been kind of hanging around the east central part of the country. the past two, three weeks and just has been shifting positions. now it is up into the north central part of the country and by my account, 11 states right now that have excessive heat warnings. 16 states that have some sort of advisory or watch necessary effect as well. they go well into canada and as a matter of fact toronto set a record high as well. north of the border seeing action. heat indices are going to be the big problem. dew point reading of over 80 degrees yesterday in minneapolis. that's ridiculous levels of humidity and couple that with the heated and will feel like 110 today and tomorrow as well. going to feel like 102 in kansas city. looking at towards wednesday, still up century mark as far as what the heat index will be, what it feels like in minneapolis. then thursday and friday, cool front that comes down and knocks
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down the heat and shifts it down to the south. until then, it is a long duration of event. and area that doesn't get this kind of heat. that's not great news. tropical storm brett. 50-mile-an-hour winds now. east of west palm beach. 150 miles an hour. right over the bahamas. just drifting there right now. it is strengthening and gather something intensity. we do expect it to continue to do that. maybe get to hurricane strength. but very unlikely it gets close tot u.s. that's -- good news and n a way, yes. when you have a -- you know, moderate to strong tropical storm, not all bad news. especially when you have a drought in florida. in the southeast. we would take this storm in this particular case. here is your hazy, hot and humid conditions. storms expected across the northeast today with this cool front trying to press through. isolated storms to the south. we are seeing thunderstorm right now that's producing rough weather and across gulfport, bay st. louis, tornado watch warning posted for harrison county, potentially water spout that's developed here along the beach line. it will be heading parallel
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along highway 90 and then down i-10 over the next 20 to 30 minutes. water spout detected by the radar there. take cover. pass christian, bay st. louis. south of gulfport to try to stay cool in this searing heat. back to you in new york. >> thank you. extraordinary animal discovery caught on camera. rare snow leopards spotted in the mountains of afghanistan. for the first time ever, researchers from the world conservation society snapped these photos using camera traps. they call the endangered snow leopard the world's most elusive big cat. researchers say there are at most 7500 left in the wild. that's amaze. >> great pictures. they look like they were taken by a photographer. still to come this morning, first mila kunis and then justin timberlake. >> talks to raise the debt
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ceiling in a holding pattern. would not raising the debt ceiling teach america a good lesson about spending? let us know and we will be reading your comments. ace!" that's what people could say if you're still using a liquid foundation that can settle into your lines and wrinkles and make you look older. like an apricot... or a prune. and i like both, i just don't want to look like one. covergirl and olay simply ageless foundation has regenerist serum and floats above lines and makes you look younger. you will look so young people will be like "how is that baby driving a minivan?" "who let the baby into the bar?" and so on. can your anti-aging makeup do that? ♪ simply ageless from olay and easy, breezy beautiful, covergirl. where do you go to find the superguarantee®? only®. for local maps, deals and more, go to®. and let the good guys save the day.
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22 minutes after the hour. stock futures currently trading lower ahead of the opening bell. markets made modest gains friday. boosted by corporate earnings. dow closed up about 40 points. nasdaq gained about 30 points. s&p 500 just seven points higher. all of them ended lower for the week overall. investors remain nervous lawmakers may not be able to reach an agreement on the nation's debt ceiling in time. 16 days to go before the treasury department says it will not be able to pay all of its bills.
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pushing the u.s. closer to default. some of the world's largest coast will report second-quarter earnings this week. including mcdonald's, general electric and apple. others on tap today halliburton, wynn reports and hasbro. ibm will report its earnings after the closing bell this afternoon. president obama expected to nominate richard cordray to head up the new consumer protection bureau today. many senate republicans say they will try block the nomination not just for cordray but for anyone saying the new agency lacks transparency and accountability. volkswagen record year. it sold 4 million cars worldwide in first half of this year. that includes not just vw cars but the company's other brands like audi, luxury lines bentley and. the government proposing new rules that would require airlines to disclose more details about flying fees they are charging you. the 16 fees include charges for things like pillows and cut the boarding line. harry potter winning big at the box office to final installment of the series shattered the
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opening record. it also now holds the title for the biggest one-day box office making $92 million on friday. for the latest news about your money, check out the all new they're two of a kind. and, just like toddlers, puppies need food made for them. that's why there's purina puppy chow... with all the essential nutrients your growing puppy needs. purina puppy chow. say i'm missing england. i type in e-n-g... and he gives me a variety of options. would you like to have a look at a map, my lad? ah, why not? shall we check on the status of your knighthood? yes. again? yes, again, please! thank you. with my digital manservant, i'll never be homesick again. would you like me to put the kettle on, sir? no, i'd like you to get rid of that ostrich. it's been here a month. [ male announcer ] think, type, go. with just type. only on the new hp touchpad with webos.
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27 minutes fast hour. a shot of the white house, washington, d.c., where right now it is mostly cloudy, 74 degrees. later today it will be quite hot. mostly sunny and a high of 95. there is a new come ander of u.s. and nato forces in afghanistan. general petraeus performed his last official act this morning when he handed off the post to lieutenant general john allen. >> after a military career spanneding 37 years, pet russ is coming home to head up the cia. barbara starr is live at the pentagon this morning.
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how is he being received at the cia? is he looking forward to this? >> he is taking off that uniform after 37 years. he will take a couple of weeks off and spend some time with his family. then the plan is for him to arrive at the cia essentially at the beginning of september. petraeus is going to have the same challenge there that so many incoming cia directors have. he's going to have to show that work force he is one of them, he understands their problems and challenges. at the cia the war on terror is shifting. we are seeing a lot of the developments and operations really pick up in places like yemen and somalia. of course, top concerns always pakistan and what's going on inside that country and north korea and perhaps the number one target, if you will, for gathering intelligence about what they are up to may well be iran. the u.s. believes iran is really trying to extend its influence in both afghanistan and iraq and
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around the world. there will be a lot of effort over the coming years to see what iran is up to. general petraeus in charge of all of that now as director petraeus. we will see if he gives up the nickname he had for so many years since he attended west point where his cadet, fellow cadet buddies, used to call him peaches petraeus. >> where's the peaches come from? >> you know, guys at the academy, they just sort of make stuff up. i found out recently that amongst his buddies, his fellow former cadets, many of them now two, three, four-star generals themselves, that name peaches petraeus has stuck over the years. close friends, amongst others, maybe behind his back. not too much to his face. he's often called king david petraeus. >> well, good thing he is a big tough guy. >> he doesn't strike me as a peaches. >> good to see zbu top stories, rupert murder's top newspaper
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executive rebecca brooks arrested. released on bail. she is expected to testify tomorrow at a hearing in the house of commons. london's top officer, police officer, paul stephenson, also resigned yesterday. a hearing on the scandal will be held in the house of commons tomorrow. the fbi's investigating an armed home invasion at the farmhouse of iowa congressman boswell. the intruder entered boswell's home saturday night and point ad gun at his daughter demanding money. we are told the 77-year-old boswell struggled with the gunman before his grandson grabbed the shotgun and pointed it at the intruder who then fled. no one was hurt. with debt talks between the president and congressional leaders set to resume we are learning the senate could vote as early as this week on a scaled-down plan that would allow the government to borrow more money to pay its bills. it would give the president authority to raise the debt ceiling and include three congressional votes on the issue
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before the 2012 election. treasury accident says the u.s. needs to raise the debt ceiling by august 2 or risk defaulting on its loans. if that happens here is how you might be affected. the stock markets, the dollar, may plummet. interest rates could go up. what do you do to protect your money while they are all trying to work this out in washington? joining me now is donna risotto. good to see you. you know, different asset classes, when you talk about stocks, bonds or cash or commodities, they react differently to the same thing. so while it sounds like an old lesson the first thing you should do is make sure you are diversified. >> that's right. you made the point already, you don't want to panic and bail out of your investments altogether but you are -- diversified if you are concentrate order u.s. stocks you want to make sure you are diversified and that means being an international stocks, emerging markets and different asset classes, bonds, commodities, currencies, even cash which can be a safety valve during this time. >> you can find out how to do this on all sorts of websites including
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this is a big one. don't panic. we do the wrong things when we panic. we sell at the wrong time and buy at the wrong time. what do you suggest the average person does so that they can eliminate this panic? >> keep in mind past history. okay. lot of people who panic in the 2008, 2009 financial crisis, if they got out of the stock market, they missed on one of the biggest rallies we have seen the past two years. first of all, keep that in mind. also think about where you are in your investing life. if you are earlier in your investing life have you time to ride out the volatility that we are going to see if there is a debt default. if you are later, maybe you want to move to cash, five years of retirement, that will make a big difference. >> issue is if you bail out you don't have the wherewithal to get back in or miss it. do a 401(k) checkup. one of the things i have been telling people know how to log into your 401(k) or your i.r.a., investment account. look at where you are and whether you are in balance with what you are supposed to be doing that's right. again, you want to make sure you are diversified. a lot of folks look at their
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401(k) statements and what happening with the bull market, this is the time to make sure you are diversified. if you are close to retirement make sure you are a little bit more conservative. we all need a mix of cash, commodities, bond, international, u.s. stocks because that really provides stability and when commodities are up, and -- stocks are down, you are going to be able to be balanced. >> you can take a big hit if you are diversified. short term bonds, who is this important for and why? >> short-term bonds are less volatile than longer-term bonds. we have a debt default, you will see long-term bond prices drop which is going to push up interest rates. shorter term bonds and corporate bonds are less sensitive to shorter -- sorry, higher interest rates and inflation as well. if you are in shorter term which four years or less high grade corporate bonds, this is going to protect you from the interest rate hikes and the inflation risk. >> there are great ways to do this. you don't have to do it
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directly. you can do this through mutual funds and exchange traded funds there are a lot of them out there that can get you into bonds. another record for gold. people are moving into gold because they are concerned about the value of the u.s. dollar if there is a default. >> gold safe haven. a ten-year bull market run. gold is one commodity because it is considered safe that might actually be a place that you can see things going un. we hit a record just last week again. you want to be careful on gold. this is not something you should -- you know, have a huge amount in your portfolio. 5% to 10%. it could balance out things for you and if you believe that a lot of volatility is ahead this could be something that could bring stability and growth for you as well. >> likely to go the other way than the u.s. dollar goes. if you think the dollar weakens. be careful. when we say stock up, you are right. stock up to what you should have if you go and figure out what your asset allocation should be, it will be a good way to do that. for those of you that want to
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understand what your asset allocation should be, you can go to you can answer a bunch of questions and it will tell what you your pie chart should stock up on. >> this is not the time to panic. think about the as that's need to be in your portfolio. >> donna will be on top of this in "money" magazine. lot of good advice in there about how you can manage your portfolio now and in the case of a debt default. good to see you. our question of the day is related to this. would not raising the debt ceiling as some people are suggesting we do, would not raising the debt ceiling teach america a good lesson about spending? we want to know what you think. e-mail us, tweet us, send as you post. post something on our blog page. we are going to read through some of your answers through the course of the morning. >> she's known by her stage name ruby the heart stealer. today italian prime minister berlusconi is facing charges he paid for sex with a 17-year-old
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girl at an infamous house party. we have a live report next. over the south pacific in 1943. vietnam, 1967. i got mine in iraq, 2003. u.s.a.a. auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation, because it offers a superior level of protection and because u.s.a.a.'s commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. u.s.a.a. we know what it means to serve.
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39 minutes past the hour. there were two court hearings happening today for silvio berlusco berlusconi. he is facing bribery charges and accused of paying for sex with a 17-year-old girl. >> berlusconi is involved in three trials in which there are two hearings today. >> reporter: that's right. no stranger to trials. important the last two decades, there have been numerous hearings and trials looking at allegations of corruption, bribery, embezzlement, tax fraud. this is the first time that he's had to face trial charges on paying an underaged minor for sex and also for having -- abused his power by trying to get her out of a theft charge. placing a phone call to police saying she should be let off. he says he did not because he
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thought she was the niece of the then egyptian president hosni mubarak. these court cases are very serious allegations. and last week he was asked to pay $800 million in a fine to a rival media company for corruption charges in his invest company. some are coming back to bite him very hard. >> we will see how this turns out. this case doesn't have a dull moment in it. you mentioned mubarak. there has been shake-up in the egyptian government. it is not sure if it is enough to quiet opposition members. they will be sworn in to office today. and former egyptian president hosni mubarak reportly slipped into a coma yesterday. the hospital tells cnn he has since regained consciousness. nelson mandela turns 93 today. the former south african
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president was surrounded by family. people around the world have been asked to march by devoting 67 minutes of their time to work in their community, do something towards the greater good. that's one minute for every year of mandela's public service. >> you were saying it is stuff that reflects mandela's priorities. >> get tested for hiv, talk to your friends about safe sex. do something that helps people in your community. >> good idea. not to be outdone by his friends with benefits co-star mila kunis, justin timberlake will attend a marine corps ball. she post ad youtube video asking j.t. to be her date after kunis accept ad request from a fellow marine. timberlake says he's very flattered by the invitation. he says he doesn't get invited to things alet. >> he said something about because she is a mixed marshtia art ist maybe they could tussle. he said she was joking.
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another celebrity getting a video invite. this one is for betty white. check it out. >> i would like to take betty white. she's just funny and is -- sweet. she is mature. she's the all-around perfect woman. >> sergeant ray lewis, veteran of the war in iraq. we will see if she accepts. major cleanup under way in canada. severe storm causing a concert stage to collapse during -- whoa. during the annual ottawa blue fest. this youtube video was seen the first time capturing the chaos. people running for their lives. >> then cheap trick performing at the time. remarkably no injuries to the performers. one spectator had injuries, though. >> right. >> morning headlines next. toning shoes. you know the sneakers that
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promise to exercise and tighten muscles in your calfs, thighs and butts? do they work? >> now there are concerns about them. we are going to talk about that. also, is it okay to let your toddler sleep in the same bed as you? details on a new study out about it. it is 43 minutes past the hour. [ engine idling ] [ male announcer ] talking a big game about your engine is one thing. having the proven history that can back it up is a whole nother story. unsurpassed torque... best in class towing... legendary cummins engines. which engine do you want powering your truck? guts. glory. ram. it's schwab at your fingertips wherever, whenever you want. one log in lets you monitor all of your balances and transfer between accounts, so your money can move as fast as you do.
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check out your portfolio, track the market with live updates. and execute trades anywhere and anytime the inspiration hits you. even deposit checks right from your phone. just take a picture, hit deposit and you're done. open an account today and put schwab mobile to work for you. a look at your headlines.
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rupert murdoch's top newspaper executive rebecca brooks is out on bail. she was arrested over the growing phone hacking scandal. the police commissioner, paul stephenson, also resigned yesterday. casey anthony is out of jail and for the moment at least out of the spotlight. the attorney for casey's parents, george and cindy anthony, say that they refused a request to act as media decoys when their daughter was released from jail yesterday. casey anthony was driven away by her defense team and remains in hiding. congressman leonard boswell is okay after an armed home invasion this iowa farmhouse. the 77-year-old boswell reportedly struggled with the gunman saturday night before his grandson grabbed a shotgun and pointed it at the intruder who then fled. obviously police still on the hunt for that home invasion intruder. the senate could vote as early as this week on a scaled-down plan allowing president obama to raise the nation's debt ceiling. lawmakers have just 16 days left to strike a deal and after that,
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treasury department says that the u.s. will begin defaulting on its loans. stock futures trading lower ahead of the opening bell in morning. uncertainty runs high over the debt ceiling talks. investors also hoping strong corporate earnings this week will give the mark aets boost as they get towards the end of last week. scorching summiter heat wave baking the midwest. the dangerously hot temperatures are moving to the east coast. it is the worst heat wave in years in many places. causing hundreds of health emergencies. the second tropical storm of the season formed and is now growing stronger. tropical storm brett is swirling in the atlantic ocean and not expected to hit the u.s. but could bring heavy rain to the bahamas. the final harry potter film "deathly hallows part 2" setting new balk office records with the opening take of more than $168 million. it sold more tuck et cetera for midnight showings than any other movie in history. it had the best ever single day gross on friday. the u.s. suffered a stunning loss to japan in the women's
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world cup final yesterday. japan won its first title in a nail-biting penalty shoot-out. you are caught up on today's headlines.
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beautiful atlanta skyline. 71 degrees and sunny. mostly sunny for the rest of the day. getting hotter as you might expect. up to 89 degrees today. >> there's doubts this morning about the effectiveness of those muscle toning shoes. they are sometimes marketed as wellness shoes, rocker bottom soles are supposed to help
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improve muscle strength and posture. burning calories and eliminating pain. the american council of exercise says they are not a magic solution. the american academy of podiatry and sports medicine calls the advertised benefits of the shoes greatly overstated. people are lulled into falsely thinking that just because they are wearing them somehow -- >> getting exercise strengthening. next time you eat out ask for a bigger fork. researchers studied the eating habits of customers at an italian restaurant chain in the southwest. some of them got big forks and others got small ones. those with the big forks ate less. the study concludes people using small forks may feel they are making less progress towards their goal of finishing the meal so they overcompensate by eating more. the. >> do you buy this? we are talking about italian food and showing some sort of breakfast buffet with grits. you know what -- >> macaroni. okay. do i buy that? i don't know. i'm bothered by really big forks. sometimes you go to places and
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give you really big -- >> very large. they also say that if you put a smaller plate, you will eat month, bigger plate. >> is that right? >> yes. put your food on a smaller plate as opposed to bigger plate, i don't know. you have to somehow find a way to keep your portions under control. your mother probably warned you not to do portions under control. is there anything really wrong with allowing your toddler to sleep in bed with you? >> senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen join us live from the cnn center in atlanta. tell us the truth. >> you mentioned moms. a lot of people in the older generation say if you let your toddler sleep with you, you're going to end up with a mama's boy or mama's girl, get overly dependent on you and this study says look, we looked at these toddlers who slept with their parents and they were fine. they didn't have any behavioral problems, any more so than other kids. they weren't any different than other kids. you can rest easy if you're sleeping with your toddler, you're not going to turn them
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into some kind of monster. >> we are specifically talking about toddlers. we've been warned about the dangers of sleeping with newborns, some of the concerns that you could roll over, the child could smother? >> right. i want to make that very clear. this study looked at kids ages 1 through 3. american academy of pediatrics is very clear, do not sleep with your child under the age of 1, higher risk of sids and higher risk of rolling over on your baby. >> and nursing moms who occasionally fall asleep while nursing their babies, is that okay? >> when they came out with that recommendation saying don't sleep with your baby, i thought i've been guilty of that while nursing my children, we would both fall asleep in the same bed. we asked a peedition about that. she said, look, we know that moms do that sometimes, part of being a nursing mother. if you do that occasionally or for a short period of time, it's nothing to get freaked out about but as soon as that baby is done
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nursing, get that baby into a crib. there are these co-sleeper things that you can put next to the bed like bassinets. they can be right next to you, but at least they're in their own bed and not a place where you can roll over on them. >> one thing they didn't address is the whole way the family gets thrown off. the husband and wife, being able to have your own bed, have some time away from the kids and have a private space. do they talk about whether or not, mentally -- mental health wise it's important to have your kids in a separate room? >> they didn't mention that. i'm with you. i certainly -- i'm not a family bed kind of gal. that never worked for my family. i do have friends who did that. they had a family bed and their children, over the age of 1, slept with them. i don't know when they found time to be intimate. i didn't ask them that question. i agree with you. it's a difficult thing. some parents, some families love it and make it work. >> all right. to each his own. >> right. >> i wasn't even talking about the intimacy, but sometimes just to be able to sleep. >> oh, sorry. i just went there, didn't i?
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>> that's okay. i hear what you're saying. elizabeth, thank you. >> thanks. >> tmi for ali. sorry. >> i'm enjoying the conversation. learning a lot. if you want to keep your kids safe in the car, let grandma or grandpa drive. even though grandparents are at a hee higher risk for serious accidents, kids driven by their grandparents were in fewer crashes and safer than when they were driven by their parents. this was true even though it's less likely that grandparents make them wear their seat bet belts. >> taking you for ice cream, dropping you off somewhere. >> exactly. debt deadline is coming up. the government may not be able to pay its bills. the president and congressional leaders are meeting again this week. we want to know, would not raising the debt ceiling teach america a good lesson about spending? >> how would it teach us a
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lesson? due to the recession, virtually everyone has changed their spending habits so as to live within their means, except congress, that is. raising the debt ceiling simply tells people there are no consequences to borrowing with reckless abandon. >> so, alessandro, it seems, thinks it would even though it starts with it wouldn't. and at what cost though? it's like throwing my kid off the roof to show them that it would hurt. [ carrie ] i remember my very first year as a teacher, setting that goal to become a principal. but, i have to support my family, so how do i go back to school? university of phoenix made it doable. a lot of my instructors were principals in my district. i wouldn't be where i am without that degree.
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my name is dr. carrie buck. i helped turn an at-risk school into an award winning school, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] find your program at
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good morning. london's top cop is out.
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head of scotland yard resigning yesterday, the latest casualty of the hacking scandal. and rupert murdoch's top executive has been arrested. there was a scuffle and guns were point ed in a home invasio of a congressman. how he's doing on this "american morning." good morning to you. thank you so much for joining us on this monday. it is july 18th. i'm kiran chetry along with ali velshi. christine has today off. the head of scotland yard, london's police agency to the list of casualties in the uk hacking scandal. sir paul stevenson has stepped down. >> some of his officers are accused of taking bribes from rupert murdoch's reporters. any idea what sir stevenson's
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exact involvement was in this scandal? >> reporter: another incredible development, yeah. the most senior policeman in britain, sir paul stevenson has resigned, shocking development on day after day of incredible revelations. there were all these accusations of policemen having taken bribes from journalists working for rupert murdoch's newspaper. on top of of that, allegation that a former news of the world deputy editor neil wallace had a contract for sort of of doing pr for the police force which, in itself, ruffouguffled a lot of feathers and then yesterday sir paul stevenson, it emerged, received thousands of dollars in hospitality at a health resort hotel. and the person that represented that hotel was the same guy, neil wallace. no one is suggesting that these
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things are connected but it just gave the impression of a kind of cozy relationship between people in murdoch's press and certain parts of the police force. and it resulted in such huge pressure on sir paul stevenson, he decided to go. here is what he said. >> however, the issue of my integrity is different. let me state clearly, i and the people who know me know that my integrity is completely intact. i may wish we had done some things differently, but i'll not lose any sleep on my personal integrity. >> reporter: so, he's basically saying he didn't do anything wrong, but i think he realized that the perception -- it was all about image, this. the image that came across was one of, you know, this is not good. a policeman, most senior policeman should not be accepting huge amounts of hospitality, especially when they are investigating the very is same people that are
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representing that hotel and to have previously had a pr contract with the place. it just didn't look good. >> dan, rebecca brooks, former reporter with news of the world, senior executive with news international resigned friday, arrested saturday, has been let out on bail but not charged with anything, you say? >> reporter: no, she hasn't been charged. she was questioned for about 12 hours. and released, you know, just after midnight sunday night here. but she has not been formally charged or indicted, maybe, in u.s. terms. she's out on police bail where they continue to make their inquiries, the police. at the moment, not formally charged. she'll be appearing here, tomorrow, to face a grilling from politicians alongside rupert and james murdoch a day of incredible testimony, we think. what she's going to be able to say, i don't know.
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she may say i can't comment because i'm under investigation of the police. the near fact of the three of them sitting there, having question after question after question thrown at them will be incredible to see. >> the question we've been talking about this morning, because things are different here in the u.s. this relationship or this alleged relationship that seems odd between tabloid editors and members of the government, like perhaps possibly david cameron as well as police, how they all sort of come together. it seems like an odd bed fellows. >> a lot of people here saying, you know, this speaks about something that's gone wrong across the whole of sort of the british establishment really, not just down to individuals, but a culture that has grown up, one of contacts and coziness and sort of, you know, you scratch my back, i'll scratch yours. and no one is suggesting in sir paul stephenson's case that necessarily he has broken any rules. again it's a question of the perception across politics, the police and journalism here, this
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breach of trust, people feeling like they can't quite understand why everyone is sort of in each other's pocket to a certain extent. not necessarily that they're taking bribes, but there's this cozy relationship that's being uncovered like an onion being peeled, layer after layer. it keeps going and almost keeps getting worse. there's another interesting thing for you guys in the states as well. it's being alleged that jude law, the actor's phone, may have been hacked while he was in new york. that may have been the first confirmed case of phones being hacked while someone was in new york. there was a talk about 9/11 victims a while back. this is another aspect, actors and celebrities having their phones hacked into by journalists here while they were in america. i would think that that could then mean that this could be something that the fbi could look into. they're already talking about it, but this may be the first
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case that they really get their teeth into. >> some stories like this one peak, this one hasn't yet. we'll keep looking into it. berlusconi is facing bribery charges and also charged with paying for sex with a teenage girl. his business empire, media set, is facing tax fraud charges. his lawyers are representing him in court today. an armed home invasion at the farmhouse of congressman leonard boswe will. the 77-year-old congressman struggled with the gunman before his grandson grabbed a shotgun and pointed it at the burglar. he fled. even though no one was hurt, the congressman's chief of staff says everyone was, understandably, shaken up. >> it's made national headlines and they have friends were from
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all over the country. they have been fielding calls from all day from friends around the country making sure that they're all right. >> police are calling the break-in a random act and do not expect that congressman boswell was specifically targeted. a crucial week in the debt ceiling talks. right now, there are a bunch of proposals to break the deadlock. both sides are optimistic that someone is going to strike a deal. >> i'm confident that cooler heads will prevail and, at the end, we will not allow the united states to default on its debts, despite the fact that some people seem to think that would be okay. >> if the president insists on raising taxes on the american workers, there is not going to be a deal. i do think, however, that republican leader also not allow the country to go into default. president obama is insisting both parties must agree on a deal by friday in order to get it passed in time for the august 2nd deadline when the treasury
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says we won't have money to pay all our bills and so we have to make choices and start maybe defaulting on some of them. >> that brings us to our question, would not raising the debt ceiling teach america a good lesson about spending? e-mail us or follow us on twitter and facebook. a tsa agent, the alleged victim. arrested and charged with groping a female tsa agent in phoenix after refusing to be screened. she allegedly grabbed the agents breasts with both hands and twisted. charged with sexual abuse, a facebook page demanding she be acquitted, one follower suggesting they name an airport after her. shuttle "atlantis" is getting ready to depart the international space station for one last time. today's wake-up call was keith
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urban's "days gone by." in a ceremony happening this morning, before closing the hatch and heading home. "atlantis" is scheduled to return to earth on thursday. >> these guys go up there, unload stuff, load stuff on and come back. we think they're zipping around space, but they're working. >> the views, imagine, are so extraordinary to see those pictures. >> we covered this launch. one of the interesting things, you couldn't see it go all the way because there's clouds. >> right. >> check it out shot by one of our cnn ireporter's, as it broke through the clouds on a final mission to "space," taking aboard an airplane on a flight to miami. >> didn't the "endeavour" -- somebody got a shot of the "endeavour." >> i've had people tell me they've been on a plane and they've seen it. someone got that picture. i'm sure the pilot must have told them.
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look out the right side. it's about to happen. very, very cool. major cleanup is under way in canada after this happened. a severe storm with 60-mile-an-hour winds that actually caused the concert stage to collapse at the annual ottawa blues fest. youtube video caught the chaos. cheap trick was playing at the time. only one spectator in the crowd was injured. people on the edge of their bar stools across the united states, japan and the world, in fact. it came down to penalty kicks. >> japan grabbing the thrilling victory, the country's first-ever world cup title. zain verjee was there to witness all the action and joins us live from frank further, germany. japan has never met america in a woman's soccer game. this was america's time, they felt, time to reclaim the glory days of 1999.
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they just fell a little short. >> reporter: it just wasn't meant to be. the whole atmosphere, though, in the stadium was absolutely electric. i was on the edge of my seat. the u.s. had the speed and even had the height. they came out of the gate. they were so aggressive. they just kept missing shot after shot. and the full kept hitting the goalpost. they came so close to scoring a number of times but just didn't do it until late in the match. they were one up. japanese came back and came back again and then they took the match. a lot of people will say about this game, guys, is that whether the u.s. made mistakes is on the defensive line. real miscommunications. they accidentally passed the ball to the japanese, that shot in the first goal and weren't able to defend their goal either. they gave it all they could, but they just couldn't clench the title. it was amazing to watch.
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they're a fantastic team and should feel really good about themselves. >> now, we have to say, you -- i don't know where you would fall on this thing, because you're in london. i think there's an s underneath that jacket you're wearing, which would be the middle letter in usa. give us a sense of what you're wearing underneath that. and then there's this whole idea, zain, that it is kind of nice that japan, after the year it's gone through, you can't be mad at them for that. you have to be happy for japan. >> reporter: they may not have had the height, but they had the heart. so many people, including the u.s. players, were happy for japan. they were the sentimental favorites going into this. they had to deal with those friends affected, one of them even worked at the fukushima nuclear plant. people were really torn. it was an amazing, historic
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match for japan, too. i was. i'm glad that they won. they ended up being the better team at the end of the day. in the end, i have to say, guys -- i'm flashing it just for a second on national tv, this is where i stood, when i was in the stadium. >> that's a great look on you, actually. you look adorable. zain verjee for us this morning. thanks very much. >> still ahead, oppressive heat and severe storms moving into the country. tropical storm bret is churning near south florida. huge deal was made about carmegeddon. >> because people avoided it, telecommuted. remember those special $4 jet blue deals? they laid down a bet to see if bike riders could beat the jet
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blue. >> turning 75 today, oscar meyer, driving right up to our front door. i am having hot dogs for breakfast. it's 11 minutes after the hour. [ man ] they said i couldn't win a fight.
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but i did. they said i couldn't fight above my weight class. but i did. they said i couldn't get elected to congress. but i did. ♪ sometimes when we touch ha ha! millions of hits! [ male announcer ] flick, stack, and move between active apps seamlessly. only on the new hp touchpad with webos.
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little jimmi hendrix "crosstown traffic." going up by 20 degrees to 81. >> that would be a story if it was going up to 20 in los angeles. >> beautiful day in los angeles, beautiful weekend and c carmageddon didn't really happen. >> they said it would be mayhem. ended up not causing the end of the world. they were afraid that the shutdown of one of the busiest
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freeways would cause apocalypse. the 405 reopened early without much excitement. >> that's excellent that they all planned for this, the media all talked about it and everybody made plans and went home. one of the other plans was to fly over los angeles. a bunch of guys got an idea to decide what's faster, a bike or a plane? under normal circumstances, it would be clear. they challenged jet blue to a weekend race. they bet they could beat the plane traveling from burbank to long beach, south of los angeles. they took a path along the los angeles river and made it in an hoir and a half. the flight time was 20 minutes. accounting for the time it takes the leave to the house, check in and board, the odds shifted. by the time the plane took off, the psych licyclists were alrea
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long beach. >> when you left your house to get to the airport and when you arrived at the other airport? >> yes. >> you know here, that's the fastest way to get around. that's why there's bike messengers all over the place. >> but it takes too much effort. i'm totally against that. tooer think of how much those cyclists were compare d to the guy that got off the airplane. >> totally refresh zpld no first class on the bikes. they got their exercise, rob, and proved a point. >> flights taking off into potentially a hurricane today include hurricane heunters. tropical storm bret formed yesterday afternoon, last night. winds now at 50 miles an hour. it's over the bahamas, drifting northeasterly at 50 miles an hour. about 150 miles off the coast of florida. the good news -- sort of good news is that it's not going to make landfall in the u.s.
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matter of fact, it's going to go out to sea and might develop intoey ahurricane. we're not so worried about that. it would be nice, actually, if it came onshore as a tropical storm. we would get much-needed rainfall in places like florida and south beach, which are enduring a bit of a drought. record-breaking heat again across the northern central part of the country. heat indices are what it feels like. temperature will feel like they're up and over 110 degrees in places like minneapolis? come on. today, tomorrow, this is a long duration event. wednesda wednesday as well. smoker here for quite some time. severe thunderstorms, potentially, across parts of the midwest, ohio river valley, over the appalachians, into new york as this front tries to make its way to the south and east. before it does that, though, it will be steamy on the east coast as well.
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90 in new york. 95 expected in washington, d.c. one way to cool off, get yourself a jet pack or really it's a jet pack that uses water. check out this video coming out of california, where there was a boat show. and this device uses water to basically propel themselves up into the air. you can get up, i don't know, 10, 15, 20 feet at max. it's like george jetson meets jacques cousteau, i guess. 100 grand. >> what do you do? where do you start? >> it's a big hose behind him. it's taking water up and propelling the water out through the two jets on the side. i guess you can go as far as whatever is connected to that hose. >> how does it end for you? head first in the water? >> as long as you're propelling what water out, you stay up.
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right, rob? >> that's right. the engine is like this little scooter or jet ski. you don't really see down below the surface of the water, pumping up the water and driving the whole thing. how you get back to landing is a matter of your skill level and style. >> you let that stuff go. it looks neat. >> you're hooked up to something. where are you going to go? >> you misjudge it and you go head first into the sail boat. >> if you're that much of a incomele head. but that person shouldn't be riding a bike either. >> exactly. >> rob, cool video. did you see harry potter? >> no. did you? >> i haven't seen any of them. i haven't read a book or seen 234e of them any of them. >> ali may not have gone to see it, but everyone else did. record-smashing debut. half of american women
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through age 34, which they consider the end of child bearing for most people, do not have children. it's a big increase from previous generations. why this generation is saying just because you're childless doesn't mean you're not childful. meaning children in your life. ultimate guide for cool aunts, great uncles and all people who love children. somewhere in america, there's a doctor who can peer into the future. there's a nurse who can access in an instant every patient's past. and because the whole hospital's working together, there's a family who can breathe easy, right now. somewhere in america, we've already answered some of the nation's toughest healthcare questions. and the over 60,000 people of siemens are ready to do it again. siemens. answers.
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24 houminutes after the hou. uncertainty runs high over the debt ceiling talks. they're hoping strong corporate
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earnings will give market ace boost as they did at the end of last week. richard korgreg is expected to be name nated for consumer bureau chief. lawmakers say they will block the nomination for anyone. it only applies if the airline loses your bag and you never get it back. schumer wants to go a step further. harry potter winning big at the box office. final installment of the series shattered the opening record, raking in $476 million in worldwide ticket sales, now holding the title for biggest one-day box office, making $92 million on friday. the truth about childless women.
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77 degrees and sunny. a little later going up to a high of 92. there could be storms in our forecast. more and more women in this country are not having children. according to the u.s. census, nearly half of women aged 15 to 44, which they consider sort of the end of your child-bearing years, are childless. a new book says even people who are childless can be child full. the book is called savvy auntie, the ultimate guide for cool aunts, great aunts and all the women who love. >> centered around, e-mailed and there's been a lot of comments. explain your story. why did you become interested in this? what is your take on this trend?
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>> when i became an aunt, i quickly realized there were no modern resources. everything seemed old aunt sadie with 12 cats. i was like, wait a minute. it's not just me and my friends and my friends' friends. nearly 50% of american women don't have children much there's a real opportunity to get this tribe together. i call it the entourage, and engage them in how to be more savvy and how to connect better with their nieces and nephews and not somehow feel like you're lacking because you don't have children of your own? >> exactly. >> circumstantial infertility. it's not biology. it's not by choice. you didn't say to yourself, i'm not going to have kids. but circumstances. you didn't find the right person yet. >> exactly. that's my circumstance. i consider myself circumstantial infertility. there are women who have issues
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with their biology. >> somebody wrote on your blog, finally, someone gets it. you said to me, i didn't know we would be in that position. explain that. >> we're sort of this first generation of women in their 30s and 40s who didn't know we wouldn't be able to have the career that mom didn't have and the family that mom did have. so, we're caught in this kind of sandwiched generation. younger girls know they can preserve their fertility in ways if they're not ready to get married by the age their 30, 35. i'm 42. i haven't found that person. i would love to be a mother. in fact, i said in the piece, just because maternity didn't come to me does not mean i'm not maternal. and, in fact, so many women love the children in their life. they love children, their nieces and nephews, their nextdoor neighbors and give very generously to children around the world. it's an amazing group of women. >> it's interesting you brought up that issue about younger people understanding. is there a changing, i guess, set of rules or advice for young
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women about thinking about these fertility issues before it's, quote, too late? >> absolutely. it's actually in the book. i talk about that. there's that aspect of your relationship with your nieces and nephews and their parents but your relationship with yourself and what you want from your maternity. it's about making sure that you're healthy, you don't drink, don't smoke, take care of your body, that you prepare yourself to be the most fertile you can be for the most longest period of your life you can be. women are having children later. first-time moms are age 35 or older. >> a big shift. >> yes. >> you say people actually -- some men -- you almost fooib feel like you have an expiration date, are you fertile? >> right. i've had men ask me that. are you fertile? i don't know. how do you answer that? >> even if the relationship or that emotional connection with the partner is not there, how do you balance that? it's not just mr. right now, but it's mr. right. >> exactly.
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a lot of women are really waiting for love. and that's wonderful. every man deserves to be loved and it mean these women aren't just rushing to get married to have children. in fact, they're kind of selfless. they're not using somebody to get to maternity. and they're using -- they're indulging their aunthood with the children they love so much. that's wonderful. >> it's very provocative piece, which we'll link up. the book is very interesting as well. melanie, author of savvy au aunties. news corp. phone hacking on u.s. soil. news of the world reporters hacked into his phone when he arrived at jfk airport in new york. if that's true, that would be a fel noch felony in new york and would leave murdoch open to, p
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potentially, prosecution under u.s. law. the 77-year-old congressman boswell reportedly struggled with the gunman before his grandson grabbed a shotgun and pointed it at the intruder, who then fled. they believe that it was a random act. and they're still searching for the intruder. the senate could vote as early as this week on a scaled-down plan that would allow the government to borrow more money to pay its bills. senate aides say it would give president obama the power to raise the debt to $3.5 trillion. but it would require a vote on the issue before the 2012 general election. would not raising the debt ceiling, which some argue we should not do, teach america a good lesson about spending? here are some of your responses. on our blog, america doesn't need this lesson. washington does. it's clear that d.c. does not represent main street and hasn't for quite some time.
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>> judging from the predictions of responsible economists in the u.s., writes eric on our blog, and around the world, dwaut would teach america a lesson about spending in the same way that cutting off your leg would teach you a lesson about not jogging enough. it would only make a difficult situation much, much worse. >> very interesting responses we're getting from people. >> majority of people saying we shouldn't take it to that level. there are others and those in the tea party who said this is -- this will teach us something if we don't. >> where is casey anthony? it's a question many people are asking this morning. anthony walked out of the orange county jail yesterday with her lawyer, jose baez, at her side. >> for the moment she is staying out of the public eye. a lot of speculation. even her own parents say they don't know where she is. >> reporter: that's right. speaking through their attorney yesterday, they said the best they can tell us is that they believe she is no longer in central florida. we also learned that jose bcht aez, casey anthony's attorney, actually approached her parents, asking if they would act as
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decoys to divert some attention away as casey anthony was attempting to depart the jail yesterday. they didn't go for that idea. and we saw how that all played out last night or yesterday, shortly after midnight at the jail. casey anthony, walking out. the zpier departure taking about 30 seconds. she was greeted by hundreds of people, some of them shouting at her as she sped off into the night. helicopters followed the car she was in, went into a parking deck at an office building where there's an office for one of her attorneys. after that, they sort of lost track of her. at this hour, the question of where is casey anthony, just one of many that's been circulating around this case for so long, ali. >> we've also seen, of course, the intense interest on the public of this, and her departure from jail no exception. emotional crowd, people holding up signs. some people were not letting this go. >> reporter: that's right.
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we saw hundreds of people out there that night. some of them were shouting at her, calling her a killer as she went. as she went off and the police blocked the road so that no one could follow the crowd then, most of them dispersed pretty quickly. later that day, we did see a lot of people gathering at the memorial that sprung up on the site where little caylee anthony's body was discovered. yesterday there was also a march of people walking from that site over to the anthony home. there's a lot of emotions, people trying to process right now. that was a very peaceful example of how some people are trying to work through this. >> she's out of jail but not free of her legal entanglement. we're obviously expecting to see her somewhere to deal with that. what's next for casey anthony? >> reporter: well, there's all sorts of civil suits coming up. we heard about the case where the woman is suing for defamation, the woman who shares the same name as the fictious
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nanny that casey made up. the biggest agenda coming up is her trying to defend herself as the state of florida is asking for compensation into the investigation into this case because she lied to investigators. she's going to be fighting that in court because the price tag for that could possibly be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and probably affect her earning ability, probably, for quite some time throughout the life that she tries now to put back together. >> david, thank you very much for that. the story continues. david is covering it for us. mila kunis said, yes, she's going to the marine corps ball. so is justin timberlake. what about betty white? all the rage for marines to ask out slbts and for them to say yes. will betty white do the same? >> hot diggity dog in our
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studios or outside our studios. >> i don't think that thing could fit. it's pretty large. >> it is. it is 39 minutes after the hour.
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i'll even deliver them to your door for free. it's an offer too good to pass up. call or go online now to order your free priority mail flat rate shipping kit, only from the postal service. a simpler way to ship.
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capitol, washington, d.c., partly cloudy and 79 degrees. it is going up to a scorching 95. >> a lot of the country. the best place to be has got to be the west coast. >> the best place to be is inside with air conditioning. >> exactly. nato forces in afghanistan. general petraeus handed off the job to general john alan. he is retiring at end of next month it take over as head of the cia on september 6th. >> he has two weeks after being in the theater of war for all of those years to enjoy his family and heads to washington. looks like justin timberlake is also headed to washington. he will be accepting the invitation -- you may remember this youtube video, an invite to the marine corps ball. here is a little clip. >> you want to call out my girl, man-to-man ila? i'm going to call you out and ask you to go to the marine corps ball with me november 12th in washington, d.c. >> well, justin has accepted.
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while promoting his new film "friend with his benefits," he was asked about going to that ball. here is what he said. >> i don't get asked out. ever. so i was very flattered by that. and i hear that she's like trained in martial arts, so i'm hoping we can tussle at some point. that last part was a joke. >> actually pretty funny, justin. not a bad actor, really. did you see him in "social network"? >> i did. it started with this guy. >> the first man who asked -- marine sergeant scott moore. he post aid video, inviting timberlake's co-star, mila kunis, to a north carolina marine corps ball. and a little push from justin and mila agreed. >> it does not end. >> it doesn't end there. yet another celebrity is getting invited to a marine corps ball. this one, the one and only betty
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white. >> i would like to take betty white. she's just funny. she's sweet. she's mature. she's the all-around perfect woman. >> that is sergeant ray lewis, veteran of iraq and afghanistan and he is an aspiring rapper. >> we'll see if she says yes. two for three so far. excessive heat. watches and warnings posted in many states across the country. some places will see the heat index, when you factor in the heat and humidity, as high as 116 degrees. >> great way to cool off is with a cool drink and hot dog. oscar maier wienermobile is here. of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want,
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t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. 46 minutes past the hour. actor jude law, reportedly claiming news of the world reporters hacked into his phone at jfk airport in new york. it could be the first report of hacking on u.s. soil. attorney for casey's parent, george and cindy anthony, say they refused a request by her attorneys to act as media decoys when their daughter was released from jail yesterday. she was driven away by her defense team and remains in hiding. congressman leonard boswell is okay after a very, very scary situation at his home in iowa, farmhouse, home invasion. 77-year-old reportedly struggled with the gunman saturday night
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before his grandson grabbed a shotgun and pointed it at the intruder, who then fled. on a scaled-down plan that would allow the president to then raise the debt ceiling. the treasury will begin defaulting on its loans august 2nd otherwise. investors hope that strong corporate earnings this week will give markets a boost as they did toward the end of last week. final film, harry potter's deathly hallows part 2, setting box office records right and left over the weekend, taking in over $168 million. that was in the u.s. alone. also sold more tickets for midnight showings than any other movie in history. also the best-ever single day gross on friday. and a healing nation has something to cheer about this morning. unfortunately it's not the u.s. japan beating the u.s. in penalty kicks for its first women's world cup title
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yesterday. you're caught up on the day's headlines. "american morning" is back. we'll take you down to the wiener mobile after a quick break.
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what that means is some of these areas will see indices that will be between 110 to 120 grease. that's what it will feel like when you couple in the humidity. unbelievable, especially that far away from the gulf of
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mexico, minneapolis saw 110 degrees. even tomorrow, it will feel like 110 degrees. this is a long duration event. up and over 100 as well into wednesday. clip the northern tier thursday and friday, shifting this heat back down to the south and the east, but it's really not going away. tropical storm bret developed yesterday, winds to 50 miles an hour, 150 miles east of west palm beach over the bahamas. it will continue to strengthen. might get to hurricane status. the track is to take it away from the u.s. that's good news and bad news. bad news is that the southeast, including florida, really needs some rain. we would take a moderate to strong tropical storm in through this area to get a good dousing. it looks like it will become a fish storm out to see. hazy, hot and humid throughout much of the country. severe storms out through the ohio valley and off to the southeast. these storm also usher in cooler air tomorrow. until then, 92 degrees in new york and 95 in d.c. perfect hot dog eating weather. quick check on weather. ♪
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this may be a bad time to tell you, but there's an enormous wiener behind us. >> i have a plate full of them right now. >> do you know why we're out here? it's the 75th birthday of oscar meyer wiener, iconic oscar meyer wiener. we paid sure those were not just show dogs. >> we heard a rumor that was not edible. that wasn't going to fly. >> no way. we made them edible. we're also here to talk about ed roland as well as kylie hodgis and dylan say hot dogger as well. what does a hot dogger do? >> a hot dogger is the driver of
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the hot dog mobile. >> hours of wiener mobile driver training in our program in madison. we know how to park our buns. >> i love that. park the buns. funniest thing, ali, you're going to go and check it out. >> is this the door i can go in? >> absolutely. >> are you going in right now? >> sure. >> what is it about hot dogs and summer that go hand in hand? >> when you're at the ballpark, barbecue or fourth of july parade, it's great memories. >> wow! >> what do you do in the wiener mobile? it's pretty roomy. >> wow, this is much roomier than i would have expected the inside of of a wiener to be. >> condiment colored everywhere you look. 2009. >> how many do you have? >> there's six active wienermobiles on the road today. 12 hot doggers tlut. this year we have this brand new one we added to the fleet. >> what do people do? you show up.
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where do you go? >> fairs, festivals, parades. we are on the road year round. we get about 10,000 requests a year and do about 1,500 events. everywhere we go -- can you imagine seeing a 27-foot long hot dog? >> every time this happens to me, i feel hungry. do you hot doggers ever have people calling up and asking you -- >> do they expect you to be -- do you feed people everywhere you go? >> people ask us if we have hot dogs on us. unfortunately, we don't. we have wiener whistles and stickers. >> wiener whistle be a nice consolation prize? >> sure do. we have one on us. >> my kids would love the wiener whistle. >> you blow either side? >> no. >> there you go. >> this is to notify everyone standing out here, we do have some cupcakes and hot dogs for you. how about that? >> what are you doing special for the 75th anniversary? >> for the 75th birthday of the
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oscar meyer wienermobile, oscar meyer select hot dogs at the stock exchange, giving away hot dogs today at the stock exchange experience. >> finances and hot dogs, hand in hand. >> ringing the closing bell as well. >> very good.
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>> nice. well, we want to say happy birthday. 75 years and running. i had no idea how much time that goes into actually learning how to drive one of these puppies. 40 hours. >> are these edible? >> absolutely. >> be the first to find out. >> there was a momentary delay there. >> why wouldn't they be? >> in a very high voice, kylie said absolutely. >> chicago style. >> this is the chicago style here. >> yes. what else? >> these are the famous sweet onions, right? >> what's your favorite? >> i definitely like the chili cheese dog. although, onions at 9:00 am, i don't know. >> new select hot dogs, angus beef. >> those are the ones i use with my kid. >> how much has the hot dog changed over the 75 years?
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they've gone through periods where they've become fashionable and people want fancier meats but really -- >> when you've got something good, why change it really? we've made it better, but it's an incredible hot dog, been around forever. >> take a bite, ali. >> do you eat a disproportionate number of hot dogs? >> i think i eat a healthy number of hot dogs. ooh i put them in my mac n cheese. i think i eat the same amount of hot dogs. >> if i was friends of either one of you, i would want you to pick me up and drive us around town. >> we're the coolest kids on the block. >> lots of requests. >> does this drive anywhere? >> everywhere. >> all across the country. >> this could be your cnn express bus. do you know what i'm ask saying? >> could you ask questions for a minute? >> which one are you taking? chicago style? southwestern? l ghle ed33 %t s ngsaa wll take a quick break. so nice seeing all of you. >> thank you. >> we're actually going to toss it over to kyra. we have a very long break. it's hot out here, kyra, but the hot dogs make up for it. >> i don't know what to say or where to go after watching this


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